The New Dawn

An Action Agenda Honoring the Vibrant Diversity of Students

Download The New Dawn Action Agenda
Download Big Ideas and Priorities One Pager

I. Welcome to the New Dawn

If society has learned one lesson in the course of the pandemic, it is that schools are not just places for learning -- they are a core source for the academic, mental, social and emotional wellbeing of students within a community ecosystem.

Just as a rainbow rises after a storm, today represents a step into a bold and vibrant future for K-12 education. The unprecedented global pandemic in concert with a racial reckoning in the United States has sown the seeds for a harvest of ideas and innovations designed to embrace our students as their whole selves.

In moving forward, we do not want to turn to a prior playbook that is rooted in inequity. We have an unprecedented opportunity to wholly transform how schools work in partnership with communities to effectively support our students.

The good news is we are emerging after a tumultuous fifteen months with:

  • New policies and practices to support learning at-home and in-school, a deeper focus on students’ mental and emotional health, more robust school-and-community connections, expanded teacher peer collaboration models and much more.
  • A recognition of the need for teaching and learning policies, systems and practices centered in the diversity of our 55+ million students who embody an array of experiences, environments, identities and cultures -- and that each student must be seen and valued in every dimension of learning.
  • A willingness  to create and actualize conditions in our K-12 systems where students have equitable access to learning opportunities and pathways and are not identified by deficit-centric academic and economic constructs, such as “gaps” or “poverty”.
We -- the RISE UP Coalition -- call this The New Dawn. And together we have developed an Action Agenda Honoring the Vibrant Diversity of Students.

As a coalition of leaders of color representing school districts, charter networks and organizations across the country, we offer The New Dawn: An Action Agenda Honoring the Diversity of Students as a national blueprint to systems and school leaders for collaborating with communities to transform systems and practice by:

  • Auditing existing inequitable policies, practices and data
  • Creating the conditions for equity-centered transformational policies to take root
  • Defining a set of asset-centered priorities and actions
  • Implementing demonstrated solutions that have been natively-designed to effectively support the diverse experiences, cultures and identities of the student population

While our focus is anchored in how school districts and charter networks can design and support the conditions that enable students of color -- who have clearly been disproportionately impacted by COVID and historical inequities -- to thrive, we acknowledge that inequities are not solely impacting students of color. We recognize that white students’ across the country are experiencing high-poverty and a lack of access to quality education, from rural-to-urban areas.

We also know that the intersection of race and poverty compounds systemic inequities for ALL. Reference Targeted Universalism Policy and Practice by john a. powell, Stephen Mendenian and Wendy Ake and the report Race and Economic Opportunity in the United States by Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Maggie Jones and Sonia R. Porter. 

By effectively addressing the intersectionality, the RISE UP Coalition’s work will support ALL students in having access to high-quality, richly diverse learning experiences.

As education practitioners, entrepreneurs and innovators, we know from experience that to address the intersection and create the conditions for students to thrive:

  • Schools must deeply partner with communities and families as imagineers and co-designers of a new learning ecosystem
  • Innovation must be defined by how a solution -- a framework, program, curriculum or tool -- recognizes, reflects and rewards the vibrant dimensions of a child
  • Learning context is as important as content
  • Every student has an identity that must be centered and celebrated for us to achieve the definition of high-quality education

Our hope is that The New Dawn: An Action Agenda Honoring the Diversity of Studentssparks new ideas, creates opportunities for relationship and trust building and centers innovation in communities as partners to schools.

We invite you to join us on a journey to creating a thriving equitable education ecosystem that addresses the vibrant diversity of students!

Join us as advocates and allies in this work! Sign our interest form.

II. Our Collective: The Rise Up Coalition

In March of 2021, a group of education leaders of color came together to form the RISE UP Coalition.

We united in the spirit of engaging our national networks of leaders in supporting school districts and charter networks who are facing both tremendous challenges and, simultaneously, opportunities to design effective systems to support historically marginalized students.

As a collective, we have created and implemented a valuable portfolio of frameworks, practices, programs and tools that are effectively supporting the needs of students of color -- Black, Latino, Indigenous, Asian and Pacific Islander students. We joined together to contribute our know-how, expertise, intuition, solutions and lived experiences to inform and guide the national dialog and landscape.

Our work as the RISE UP Coalition is to publish a national Action Agenda focused on three goals:

  1. Name a set of Big Ideas and a comprehensive Priorities Map to guide a path forward
  2. Identify Policy Perspectives that honor the needs of the diverse cultures and experiences of students across the country
  3. Share existing Demonstrations of best practices, programs, and models that are currently being employed by school districts, charter networks and organizations 

The Convening Organizations joined together to lead this effort as representatives of national networks of education leaders across the country:

  • Camelback Ventures: Camelback Ventures increases access to opportunity for entrepreneurs of color and women by investing in their ventures and leadership while advocating for fairness in their funding.
  • Digital Promise: Digital Promise is a nonprofit organization that builds powerful networks and takes on grand challenges by working at the intersection of researchers, entrepreneurs, and educators.
  • Education Leaders of Color: EdLoC is a membership organization dedicated to elevating the leadership, voices and influence of people of color in education and to leading more inclusive efforts to improve education.
  • Pahara Institute: Pahara provides transformational leadership development opportunities for leaders who are reimagining the public education system for all children.
  • Surge Institute: Surge educates, develops, and elevates leaders of color who create transformative change for young people, their families and our broader communities.
  • Unidos US: UnidosUS, previously known as NCLR (National Council of La Raza), is the nation’s largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization.

As a convening group, we invited Collaborating Organizations to join the coalition who represent an equitable cross-section of school districts, charter schools and organizations led by leaders of color from urban, rural, and suburban geographies across the country to ensure we are representing all students.

The Collaborating Organizations who represent school districts, charter networks and organization leaders across the country are:

4.0 Schools
Hassan Hassan
Founder and CEO
American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF)
Stephanie McGencey
Executive Director
Atlanta Public Schools
Aleigha Henderson Ross
Executive Director, Instructional Technology
Beyond 12
Alexandra Bernadotte
Founder and CEO
Big Picture Learning
Carlos Moreno
Executive Director
Brick Education Network
Dominique Lee
Leona Christy
Founder and CEO
Center for Black Educator Development
Sharif ElMekki
Center for Black Educator Development
Victoria Harrison
Operations Manager
Citizens of the World Charter Schools
Vanessa Rodriguez
Interim CEO
Compton Unified School District
Darin Brawley
DeSoto Independent School District
D'Andre Weaver
Everett Public School District
Priya Tahilian
Norma Fernandez
Friendship Public Charter Schools
Patricia Brantley
Gestalt Community Schools
Yetta Lewis
Co-Founder and CEO
IMM Schools
Lorena Tule-Romain
Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer
Indianapolis Public Schools
Aleesia johnson
Latinos for Education
Amanda Fernandez
Founder and CEO
Lynwood Unified School District
Guidel Crosthwaite
Middletown City School District
Marlon Styles
NACA Inspired Schools Network
Anpao Duta flying earth
Executive Director
National Association of Charter School Authorizers
Karega Rausch
President and CEO
National Indian Education Association
Diane Cournoyer
Executive Director
National Indian Education Association
Rusty Creed Brown
Field Operations Association
Noble Network of Charter Schools
Constance Jones
RISE Colorado
Veronica Crespin-Palmer
Co-Founder and CEO
Richland School District Two
Baron Davis
Rural Opportunity Institute
Vichi Jagannathan
STEM Preparatory Schools
Emilio Pack
The Oakland REACH
Lakisha Young

We acknowledge that many other districts, charter networks and organizations could have been part of this effort. We wanted to focus the initial involvement on a group of organizations who are members of our national networks to achieve this first phase of the work -- the release of the national Action Agenda. We are eager to expand the engagement of partner, advocate and ally school systems and organizations as we advance to the next phase of the work. 

We invite you to express your interest in joining this effort by completing our interest form at

III. Our Why: The Time is Now

The curtain has been pulled back to reveal the fragility of our education system. Our system can be doing much more to support the most vulnerable and the diverse needs of students and families.

It is abundantly clear that the academic, cultural, emotional and physical wellbeing of a child is paramount to their ability to fully engage in education. We have to ask ourselves as adults who are leading systems and organizations:

How do we design education systems that demonstrate/embody the conditions that embrace the health, wellbeing, spirit, diversity and genius of students?

As the RISE UP Coalition, we answer this question by drawing on:

  • Our lived experience as students of color growing up in a K-12 education system
  • Our lived experience as adults -- teachers, principals, administrators, entrepreneurs and policymakers -- who are leading education systems and organizations centered in equity
  • The intersectionality of race and poverty and the proven impact on students of color

We believe that our education system is at a precipice. As a sector, we can no longer avoid or ignore the fact that an education system created hundreds of years ago designed to meet the needs of a monolithic “model student” does not work. 

We must acknowledge the impacts of a history wrought with acts of inhumanity that reverberate today to ensure our systems going forward are celebrating differences as opportunities to learn and grow, not replicating trauma.

The time is now. We have a moral imperative to create an education system that honors the colorful tapestry and diversity of our students and communities. This is OUR WHY.

IV. Our Action Agenda

Our Action Agenda is a guide that not only informs -- it provides clear guidance by offering concrete actions that are reinforced by tangible examples.

We move beyond theory and ideas to steps that you can take, and we point you in the direction of leaders and organizations that are doing the work. We “rise up” the buried treasure of programs, tools and models created by school districts, charter networks and entrepreneurs that are effectively supporting the needs and aspirations of students of color.

The RISE UP Coalition Action Agenda includes the following components:

  1. Big Ideas: We define eight Big Ideas aligned to a set of themes that are at the core of a reimagined education system that centers families and communities
  2. Priorities Map: We identify five Priorities within each Big Idea that specifically addresses the “how” of systems change
  3. Policy Perspectives: We put forth a set of Policy Perspectives that represent the actions that need to be considered at the federal, state and local levels
  4. Demonstrations: We launch a clearinghouse of best practices, programs and tools that are supporting the needs and ability to thrive for students of color.

On June 30, 2021 we released the Big Ideas and Priorities Map. On August 4, 2021, we will release the Policy Perspectives and Demonstrations.

We invite you to utilize the Action Agenda as a flexible guide to inform your work and practices and hope that you will join us as an advocate and/or ally for this work.

Big Ideas

How do we reimagine education systems that are centered in families and communities?

Our Big Ideas outline a core set of tenets that school systems and schools can employ to inform the design, development and implementation of solutions to support the vibrant diversity of students.

Accountability and Assessment
Achievement Honors Context
Accountability and assessment must “do no harm”. Eliminate the inequitable emphasis on tracking and exclusion. Understanding a student’s academic performance is paramount but represents a single dimension. Measurement systems must acknowledge the value of gains and growth and account for a holistic context for learning including academic, cognitive, wellbeing and identity.
Family and Community Engagement
Families Are Co-Designers
The pandemic underscored the role schools play in supporting basic needs -- including food and childcare -- as well as teaching and learning. Schools are centered in communities and, as such, cannot exist without embracing families as co-designers. Schools have to move beyond surveys to engage families as partners in co-constructing dynamic and adaptive learning and wellbeing infrastructure.
Innovative School Models
Community is Innovation
The education system continually seeks to bring innovation into communities of color rather than honor the innovation that is resident within. The definition of education innovation is not in the bells and whistles; it is in the ingenuity of community-based models and tools that reflect the vibrant cultural spirit and fabric of the people. Honor communities by investing in what works by definition of the people who are proximate, not outsiders.
Instructional Approaches
Culture-Centered Learning
Students are not monolithic. Every student’s life experience is rooted in cultural language, behaviors, values and norms. Healthy school environments value culture by not anchoring in conformist disciplinary policies and actions. If learning is to be student-centered then it also must be culture-centered. Acknowledge the culture and community that students live and breathe everyday.
Student Learning
Every Identity Matters
Learning devoid of the diversity of students' heritage, languages, gender and experiences is at the root of inequity in education. Recognize that each and every student has an identity that must be welcomed in their learning experience. Build personalized systems and supports that expand pathways and opportunities for students based on their identity and personal dreams and aspirations.
Professional Learning and Talent
Human-Centered Learning
Every teacher wants their students to succeed and lead healthy, productive lives. The profession of teaching has been deprecated by mechanistic policies and an intentional reduction of the diversity of the workforce. Teachers and students are sharing a human experience complete with mutual social and emotional impacts. We need to restore the human factor to teaching and purposefully increase the diversity of the workforce as a reflection of the importance of every student benefitting from diverse voices and experiences.
School Culture
Wellness and Relationships First
Schools have cultures -- and an opportunity emerging from the pandemic to reimagine culture centered in wellness. Social emotional health is critical to student academic success and requires a holistic approach that continually understands students wellness as a factor in their academic performance. Counselors, peer-to-peer connections and mentor relationships are no longer nice-to-have.
Systems Change
Mindset Transforms Systems
Systems are a reflection of leaders’ willingness and openness to change. Addressing conditions and barriers requires an innovator's mindset, capacity as a leader to learn and acknowledgement that people who are proximate need to be at the decision table. Transformation is not about disruption -- it is combining lessons learned and equitable best practices with wholly new approaches and models for building the future that has yet to be imagined.

Priorities Map

What actions can we take to create the mechanisms to sustain community-centered practices?

Our Priorities Map defines a baseline set of actions designed to embody and enable the conditions for the vibrant diversity of students to thrive.

Accountability and Assessment
Achievement Honors Context
Accountability Derived from Assessments should Inform Teacher Practice
Accountability Measures Must Reflect Academic Mastery and the Whole Healthy Child
Engage Parents and Students of Color with Equal Voice in Defining Excellence
Ensure Assessment Creators are Accountable to Cultural Competency and Learning Context
Recognize and Reward Multiple Methods of Demonstrating Knowledge and Skill
View Demonstrations
Family and Community Engagement
Families are Co-Designers
Build Community Models Rooted in Multiple Opportunities for Family Engagement
Design to Support the Family Structures of Today and the Future
Ensure Parents are at the Design Table from Day One
Prioritize the Cultural and Linguistic Communications Needs of Families
Provide Supports for Families that are Un-or-Under Connected to Technology, Dgital Skills and Resources
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Innovative School Models
Community is Innovation
Create Accountability Systems that Value Community School Models
Ensure Models of Innovation are School Leader-Driven, not Funder Driven
Invest in Authentically Diverse Community-led and Indigenous School Models -- Not Trends
Invest in School and Community Partnerships that Address Whole Child Needs
Value How Communities of Color Define Innovation
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Instructional Approaches
Culture-Centered Learning
Address the Over Identification of Students of Color as Students with Disabilities and Differences
Broadband Access Impacts Virtual Instruction Quality -- High-Speed is a Must
Expand Instructional Approaches to Blend Content and Community
Reimagine Instructional Time Anchored in Culturally-Responsive Pedagogy
Shift from Teacher-Centered to Student-Centered
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Student Learning
Every Identity Matters
Develop K-16 Pathways to College and/or Career with Differentiated Supports for Students of Color
Engage Pedagogies that Honor Student Contributions, Talents, Languages and Histories
Honor Learning that Takes Place in School, Home and Community
Integrate Academics, Identity, Holistic and Community Wellness
Make Advanced Literacies, Math and STEM Courses Accessible to ALL Students of Color
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Professional Learning and Talent
Human-Centered Teaching
Acknowledge and Address Professionals Healing from Trauma
Center Teacher Collaboration in the Community
Diversify and Develop the Cultural Competency of Adults in Schools
Recruit, Hire, Advance and Retain Diverse Talent with a Specific Focus on Teachers of Color to Address Gap
Support Teacher Mindset Shift from Closing Gaps to Self-Determination
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School Culture
Wellness and Relationship First
Anchor School Culture in Identity, Belonging and Engagement
Create Culture that Fosters Community-Centered, Peer-to-Peer Support
Engage Students as Definers and Designers of School Culture
Reduce Exclusionary Punishment. Increase Trauma-Informed Supports Focused on Recovery.
SEL is Not Identity. Employ Culturally Relevant SEL Practices.
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Systems Change
MIndset Transforms Systems
Balance Short-Term Results with Long-Term Impact on Communities of Color
Employ Systems, Structures and Data to Inform Accountability to Equity Commitments
Imagine New Cross-Sector Partnerships to Bridge In-and-Out of School
Recognize the Root to Addressing Systemic Racism is Changing Mindset and Mental Models
Retire the Charter Versus District Debate -- Focus on Students
View Demonstrations

Policy Perspectives

“Americans have long been trained to see the deficiencies of people rather than policy. It’s a pretty easy mistake to make: People are in our faces. Policies are distant. We are particularly poor at seeing the policies lurking behind the struggles of people.”

- Ibram X. Kendi

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the compounding inequities in society that anchor the lived realities of communities of color. This public health crisis has unveiled the impact of institutionalized policies that are exclusionary, limited in scope or unequitably implemented. While all students have been impacted by this devastating pandemic, historically minoritized and underserved students — students of color, students experiencing poverty and/or homelessness, Emergent Bilinguals (also know as English learners under federal statute), students with disabilities, students in the foster care or juvenile justice system, immigrant students, and students who identify as LGBTQ — are disproportionately affected.  Beyond interruptions to instruction, many of these students have experienced food insecurity, housing instability, unreliable access to remote learning technology, mental health issues, reduced access to student supports and education services and potentially the loss of a family member. The unprecedented global pandemic, in concert with a long-overdue racial reckoning in the United States, has deepened educational inequities as well as heightened stress and anxiety for students of color and exposed the unique challenges they face. This pandemic requires equity-focused leaders to think differently as they rebuild a school system where responsive policies, structures, and practices render equitable outcomes for students disproportionately impacted.

The country has a responsibility to invest, federally infused stabilization funds to wholly transform how schools work in partnership with communities to effectively support students. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) provides roughly $125 billion in one-time federal funds to states and local education agencies (LEAs) which translates to thousands of dollars of additional support per student. Far beyond responding to the immediate needs of COVID, we have an obligation to confront and address, head-on, the deep-rooted inequities that students of color have long been subject to in our public school system and society at large. We must reimagine an education system that authentically honors and celebrates the vibrant diversity of students and leads to equitable outcomes for all.

It is an urgent and timely moment to disrupt the policies that set the conditions in the education ecosystem. In this New Dawn, we propose to forge a new path. We will elevate best practices to inform policies and redesign ecosystems that allow all students to thrive. We will do this by recognizing their intersectional identities and defining them through an asset-based perspective rather than a deficit-based lens that feeds into the soft bigotry of low expectations and projects images of imperfect, at-risk children, and youth. While many of the policies outlined in the subsequent section are not new; these policy solutions are anchored in the explicit context of serving historically underserved students of color. The policy recommendations are also informed by the lived experiences and professional expertise of a national network of leaders of color working in various education systems and at multiple levels (national, state and local).

The RISE UP Coalition is led by people of color representing school districts, charter networks and organizations across the country. Collectively, this national coalition enjoys a broad diversity of perspectives and experiences, but also a common purpose and commitment to reimagine and transform the education system with policies that are supportive and responsive to students, their families, and educators. The coalition’s collaborative work has contributed to a priorities map that paves the path forward to an equity-driven, action agenda as well as a repository of demonstrations, and a policy blueprint that outlines priorities. The forthcoming recommendations are guided by the following policy principles:

  1. Enact policies and practices that lead to equitable outcomes for students of color who now represent the majority of students in U.S. public schools.
  2. Architect a new equity-based school ecosystem.
  3. Hold states and districts accountable to ensure that Students of Color receive equitable resources and supports.

To advance the above policy principles and make equity an actionable and tangible reality for underrepresented students, the RISE UP coalition proposes the following policy recommendations.

Policy Recommendation 1: Target resources to support students with the highest needs.

The unprecedented investment in education from the federal government reinforces the obligation that states and LEAs have to close opportunity gaps that existed prior to COVID-19. The total investment in K-12 schools through the combination of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act in April 2020, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act in December 2020, and the most recent Covid relief package, the American Rescue Plan (ARP), is nearly double the amount that was invested in schools through the 2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act to address the impacts of the Great Recession. To ensure the equitable implementation of these funds by targeting students with the highest needs, states and LEAs should consider the following recommendations:

  • Base education funding levels, during and after the recovery period, on funding needed for equitable outcomes.
  • Sustain maintenance of effort in high need schools and LEAs.
  • Adopt and sustain maintenance of equity requirements even after the stabilization funds from ARP sunset. Budget cuts must hold harmless programs focused on low income, students of color, and other historically underserved student populations.
  • Ensure that federal stimulus funds are targeted to support traditionally underserved students who were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. This requires a clear system to monitor and report on the use of federal funds and how they were invested on students with highest needs.
  • Ensure that federal stimulus funds and additional state funding are directed to programs that accelerate learning, language development, demonstrate effectiveness, and are responsive to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs.
  • Fund research on innovative programs that are showing evidence of academic success and language proficiency for students of color and Emergent Bilinguals.
  • Collect and compare data of students who returned to in-person instruction and the data of virtual learners to gain a better perspective of the potential inequities that emerged in different learning environments. This data should be used to tailor professional development opportunities, direct funds to address learning gaps, and identify new policy proposals.
Policy Recommendation 2: Redefine student success to meet the needs of the whole child.

Students deserve to see themselves as people who are supported in their learning journey regardless of where they started or the challenges they face along the way. Similarly, the needs, talents and identities of students must be honored and addressed comprehensively to safeguard each child’s wellness and safety, and to support long-term success. Redefining student supports and success requires the following policy shifts:

  • Expand the definition and metrics of student success to still include, but go above and beyond academic learning.
  • Consider and address conditions that can impact student learning at various levels and scales. 
  • Share power with parents to jointly define student success and identify the resources needed to actualize the vision of success.
  • Establish a transparent, culturally and linguistically responsive feedback loop to engage parents in their child’s academic and social development progress.  
  • Require assessment data to be shared with teachers in a timely and practical way that enables them to tailor instruction for student growth and success.
  • Ensure that parents, educators, and leaders of color are meaningfully engaged in shaping the future of assessments and accountability measures.
Policy Recommendation 3: Meaningfully engage and serve families and communities in the school ecosystem.

Schools should be student-centered, honor the family’s cultural and language backgrounds, understand their local context, and authentically engage the community as valued partners in the decision-making process.

  • Redesign education ecosystems to meet the comprehensive needs of students through an array of wrap around services and supports.
  • Invest in partnerships with community-based organizations to provide extended learning opportunities and culturally and linguistically responsive support services.
  • Ensure families have access to broadband internet, technology, and digital literacy support.
  • Invest in creating and expanding authentically diverse community-led and indigenous school models.
  • Create competitive grant funding to invest in developing, piloting, and scaling, innovative school models based on evidence that support children of color.
  • Establish and/or expand programming geared at engaging parents/guardians, including monolingual families, in the schooling experience of students.
  • Continue to offer virtual options for family engagement as technological platforms have proven to be an effective tool to facilitate communication and participation of family and community members.
Policy Recommendation 4: Acknowledge that educators are the key to healthy and meaningful learning experiences.

More than half of our nation’s public-school students are students of color, but nearly 80% of the teacher workforce is White.[2] It is vital that our children have role models and leaders in their lives and in each classroom, who reflect their racial, cultural, or linguistic background from an early age to boost their opportunities for success. Furthermore, the social, emotional, and academic benefits of the racial and ethnic diversification of the educator workforce are widely documented. The diversification of the educator workforce (including teachers and administrators) benefits all students, as such, it should be prioritized by school systems.  

  • Create a task force to diversify the educator pipeline and develop, advance, and retain talent.
  • Establish an Educator Diversity Data Dashboard to collect and report teacher recruitment and retention rates by racial and ethnic demographic data as well as language diversity, and  to collect and report on promotions and professional advancement of educators of color.
  • Support Grow Your Own programs that recruit and prepare a diverse workforce including high school students, local community members, paraprofessionals, after-school and tutoring providers to pursue a teaching career.
  • Dedicate funds to enhance educator training programs aimed at culturally and linguistically sustaining practices that intentionally address the belief gap that leads to implicit bias practices and differentiated treatment of students of color.
  • Provide funding and professional development to address the well-being of educators.
  • Use data to inform teacher preparation, practice, and professional development.
Policy Recommendation 5: Focus school culture on wellness and relationship-building.

Approximately 14 million students attend schools with police presence but no counselor, nurse, psychologist, or social worker. According to the U.S. Department of Education, 48 states do not meet the recommended student-to-counselor ratio of 250:1. At the same time, policies that result in corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, and expulsion have been shown to disproportionately impact students of color and students with disabilities and result in profiling. This does not have to continue being a reality for millions of American students. 

  • Properly equip schools with the tools and resources to provide a safe and welcoming environment for the shift back to in-person instruction.
  • Provide trauma-informed support to address the disproportionate impact of COVID on students of color.
  • Strengthen data collection on school discipline disaggregated by race and ethnicity and publicly report findings. 
  • Adopt policies that address the over-identification of students of color and students with disabilities in school discipline actions.
  • Adopt restorative discipline policies and reduce exclusionary practices.



Close Demonstrations

LiftEd empowers special education professionals to improve learning outcomes for students with disabilities.

Add'l Info:
LangInnov Inc.: BLAST
LangInnov Inc.: BLAST

LangInnov has developed BLAST, a bilingual literacy assessment app that can assess pre-literacy skills in both Spanish and English to provide detailed information about a student’s literacy readiness. BLAST seeks to address the issue of a disproportionate number of Latino students being placed in special education programs, and remaining in ESL programs for longer periods than needed, due to not properly understanding students’ literacy levels in both languages. This solution aims to reduce the number of mis-placements in special education by allowing students to use the full range of their bilingual repertoire to demonstrate their linguistic, cognitive, and preliteracy skills in both of their developing languages.

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ExceptionALLY uses predictive analytics and machine learning to provide parents an individualized strategy for engaging in their child’s IEP.

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Citizens of the World Charter Schools
Citizens of the World Charter Schools

Citizens of the World Charter Schools is a national network of racially and socioeconomically diverse charter schools in Los Angeles and Kansas City. The network’s core instruction includes pillars of academic mastery, SEL and difference and inclusion, incorporates a fresh set of Graduation Dispositions which are habits of character and mind.

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Bridge 2 Hope St. Louis
Bridge 2 Hope St. Louis

We dream of a world where one day every child will have access to quality equitable schools. We educate, empower and activate parents to disrupt the system of inequity, fight unjust policies and advocate for their children's right to quality educational options.

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Our vision is for San Antonio to have the best schools in the world. Our mission is to give the community the tools and knowledge they need to demand a high-quality education. We do that by training parents how to use their voice and collective power to band together and demand change in the public education system. We hope that, through our work, educated and skilled parents will be able to demand an excellent education and pass this on to their children. By doing this, we plan to stop the cycle of unknowing and complacency, so parents demand an education system that serves their children excellently and equitably.

Add'l Info:
Raise Your Hand First 100 Days Youth Amplification Toolkit
Its Our Turn

Our Turn mobilizes, amplifies, and elevates the voices of students in the fight for educational equity. Through organizing campaigns, leadership development, and national voice, young people channel their power to spark a new movement for justice.

Community Activist Fellowship
Wayfinder Foundation

Wayfinder’s mission is to build a national network of place-based activists who make trouble and win battle for justice. In the end we want our grantees to be the national face for social change at the grassroots.

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Energy Convertors
Energy Converters

The platform’s first signature program is a paid fellowship through which students of color gain navigation skills to ultimately make a broken education system work better for them, their goals, and their peers.

Energy Convertors exists to utilize the voices of the end-users of education - THE STUDENTS, PARENTS, AND THEIR COMMUNITY. Our starting place is with those that public education was meant to serve from day one rather than the “system”. We prioritize the quality students and parents desire over any system.

Teach in Native Schools
National Indian Education Association

Job board for indigenous educators to be able to post their resumes, browse job listings, and communicate with the Indigenous community to assure diversity in education

Add'l Info:
California School Climate, Health, and Learning Surveys
California Department of Education

A tool supported by the California Department of Education to help districts meet Local Control Accountability Plan priorities to improve school climate, pupil engagement, parent involvement, and academic achievement.

Cares for Learning
The Oakland Literacy Coalition

At CARES for Learning, our mission is to make sure every child can read fluently by third grade, with mastery in the proven five essential components to reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Trauma Wellness and Family Parent Workshop

In these workshops, we create a space where young people can chat to us about what’s going on in their lives – whatever that may be.

The Racial Literacy Project
Teachers College Columbia University

Since 2009, the Racial Literacy Roundtable Series has been a space for students at TC, alumni, as well as youth, practicing teachers, social workers, counselors, psychologists, and other professionals in the Greater New York area to voice their concerns, share their research and experiences, and find constructive ways to improve their practice by challenging their notions about race.

Stages of Racial Identity Development
Interaction Institute for Social Change

The attached charts summarize several frameworks that have been developed to describe stages of racial and ethnic identity development. Found mostly in psychology and therapy literature, taking into account factors such as race, gender and sexuality. Some of the frameworks are used to help therapists understand their patients more fully. The models also have broader applications for understanding how individuals function in community, family and organizational settings.

Portfolio Assessment and Defense of Learning
Envision Learning Partners

A performance assessment that challenges learners to make and support claims about targeted skills by curating samples of their work into a portfolio and defending their claims in an evaluated presentation.

Black Teacher Collaborative
Black Teacher Collaborative

Black Teacher Collaborative, a social entrepreneurship venture, provides an opportunity to engage in development of strategies and tools that build the mindsets, skills, and knowledge needed to actualize a new model for Black teacher impact and efficacy.

We Will All Rise
We Will All Rise

The product of 25 years of experience in community-focused advocacy, and the 2019 convening of six young men of color asked to imagine the possibilities of a barrier and boundary-free world. Organized as an integrative, service-oriented clearinghouse, we are anchored in 3 main development pillars -higher education, economic empowerment and community engagement - designed to effect lasting and systemic change.

Invest in educator wellness
NonProfit Wellness

Nonprofit Wellness combines energy, experience, science, art, and a sense of humor through Team-Care activities that are equal parts fun, engaging, and instructive, both virtual and in person. (We're based in DC, FYI.) From an hour at a retreat to a multi-week series culminating in a lasting Wellness Committee, our programs are custom-made to meet your big-hearted and exhausted employees where they are, build camaraderie through vulnerability, and establish a space and priority for discussing and supporting well-being at work.

Center For Black Educator Development
The Pennsylvania Educator Diversity Consortium

The Pennsylvania Educator Diversity Consortium is a grassroots organization of PK-12, higher education, non-profit, and government leaders striving to increase the number of teachers of color as well as culturally-responsive and sustaining educators in Pennsylvania. Center For Black Educator Development addresses educational inequities to improve academic and social outcomes for all students through increased teacher diversity. Having at least one Black teacher early on reduces a Black student’s likelihood of dropping out of school by up to 39%.

BlackPrint Education Consulting
The Black Print Inc.

BlackPrint Education Consulting provides professional development, coaching, and audits necessary to produce educational equity and excellence for historically marginalized student populations.

The Equity Project
Indiana University

Mission to provide evidence based information specific to issues of school discipline, school violence, special education and equality of educational opportunity for all students. The project provides data on these issues, focuses on the causes and conditions that create inequities, and provide technical assistance to educational industries seeking to create equitable school systems. The Equity Project supports educators and educational institutions in developing and maintaining safe, effective, and equitable learning opportunities for all students.

Understanding Systemic Racism and Resulting Inequity in Latino Communities
Unidos US

This paper offers a “primer,” the first of a series, detailing historical examples of systemic racism against Hispanics across selected areas and how this phenomenon persists and affects the well-being of Latinos today.† Examining this history can help policymakers, the public, racial justice advocates, and Latinos themselves better understand the structural factors influencing communities of color and why it is essential to fully include Latinos in a shared movement toward racial equity for all Americans

Young Leaders Strong City Youth Advisory Council
The Imagining Freedom Institute

The IF Institute’s training method is based in anti-racism fundamentals, historical analysis and understanding power dynamics in systems and structures. The IF Institute works with organizations to create an equitable plan of change and/or equity audit/assessment. Their goal is to help organizations develop racial equity frameworks, historical analysis and a strategic action plan through customized trainings and ongoing consultation.

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Safe & Welcoming School Plan For Undocumented Students & Families

This is an internal assessment tool used by ImmSchools team for districts and schools to assess their safe and welcoming practices within their school community as it pertains to the undocumented and mixed status students and families1. This tool has been developed through an adaptation of research found in the appendix and in partnership with immigrant students, parents, educators and advisory board members inImmSchools’ network.

The Social Justice School
Social Justice School

The Social Justice School opened its doors in August 2020 to our inaugural class of 5th and 6th grade scholar activists. We believe in the importance of educating the whole child to become an informed global citizen. Our curriculum that focuses on social justice and design thinking enables our scholars to engage in meaningful work in our Liberation Design Lab and fosters their ability to have student led conferences throughout the school year with their teachers. Each day, we are building a close knit community that collectively pursues innovative solutions to social justice issues that plague our community and the world.

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Teacher Professional Development

Virtuoso Education Consulting LLC is the management consulting firm that business leaders across many sectors come to when they are seeking outsourcing services and sustainable results. Our company supports organizational change through analysis of existing organizational structures, development of action plans for improvement , and  training stakeholders in the skills needed to accomplish desired outcomes. We're passionate about always doing the best thing for our clients, our people, and our communities, even when it isn't easy.

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The Diverse Leaders Fellowship (DLF)
Noble Network

The Diverse Leaders Fellowship (DLF) is designed to identify our diverse talent and invest in their development, while also strengthening our leadership pipeline at Noble. This pathway will enhance the experience of its participants through supplemental professional development, networking opportunities, and one-on-one mentoring. It is open to allNoble employees who identify as a member of a group that represents the communities we serve.

Restorative Schools Vision Project
Dignity In Schools

Ending racially disproportionate discipline. Lowering suspension and expulsion rates cultivating positive school climates

Padres Comprometidos Program
Unidos US

Since 2009, Padres Comprometidos programs have trained more than 200 facilitators and helped over 3,400 parents support their children’s academic success. It fosters strong connections between parents and schools, empowering Latino parents to play a leading role in their child’s educational journey.These programs are designed to reach parents who traditionally are not connected to the schools because of linguistic and cultural reasons, Economic background, Negative perception schools may have about parents or vice versa, or an Unfamiliarity with parent engagement in the school.

NACSA's National Policy Index
National Association for Charter School Authorizers

NACSA is an independent voice for effective charter school policy, education reform, and strategic charter authorizing practices that lead to great public schools and improved public education across our country.

The Minnesota Executive function scale
Reflection sciences

For children to successfully participate in the school experience as engaged and competent learners, Executive Function skills need to be developed from infancy through adolescence along with social-emotional learning. Since children are not born with these skills, they must be fostered, assessed, measured and understood so that each child can meet their full potential. Reflection Sciences has developed cutting-edge technology to easily measure Executive Function in children as young as two years old.

Standards and Promising Practices for Schools Educating Boys of Color
Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color

Boys of color and their sisters, will soon comprise the majority of students in American schools, and those who educate them must become more accustomed to their social, emotional, cultural and academic needs. The Common Core spells out expectations to measure both what students know and what they can do. COSEBOC believes that another set of considerations is crucial to bridge the gap in achievement between males of color and all other groups and to create a pathway for vulnerable students toward opportunity in education, career, and personal achievement.

Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain

The achievement gap remains a stubborn problem for educators of culturally and linguistically diverse students. With the introduction of the rigorous Common Core State Standards, diverse classrooms need a proven framework for optimizing student engagement and facilitating deeper learning. Culturally responsive pedagogy has shown great promise in meeting this need, but many educators still struggle with its implementation. Cutting-edge neuroscience research to offer an innovative approach for designing and implementing brain-compatible culturally responsive instruction. The book includes: Information on how one’s culture programs the brain to process data and affects learning relationships, Ten “key moves” to build students’ learner operating systems and prepare them to become independent learners, and Prompts for action and valuable self-reflection.

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Restorative Justice as a health Equity resource
The Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality

The Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality works with policymakers, researchers, advocates, and youth to develop effective policies and practices that alleviate poverty and inequality in the United States. We author and widely disseminate in-depth reports, conduct research, host conferences, and lead national youth-centered coalitions and working groups. Our work analyzes challenges and proposes solutions to help youth thrive, reaching a national audience through a broad dissemination strategy resourced at the law school.

We Drive It

EducationNC’s new short documentary, We Drive It, highlights the work of a team of passionate educators and scholars in rural North Carolina. In the high-poverty area of Edgecombe County called the Northside, schools have historically lagged behind on test scores and other metrics. That’s why change makers there decided it was time for something radically different. It was time to build a new school from the ground up, a school specifically designed with students in mind.

The Barnraisers Project
The Barnraisers Project

The Barnraisers Project coaches and trains white people to organize their friends, neighbors and colleagues for racial equity.

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Innovations in Family Engagement Fellowship
Flamboyan Foundation

Flamboyan selected 11 public school teachers in DC – from early childhood to high school – to design and implement innovative family engagement strategies at their schools. During the 15-month fellowship, fellows received coaching, professional development, and collaborated with one another as they worked to create solutions tailored to the meet the unique needs of their school community.

The Core Four of Personalized Learning
Education Elements

The prevalence of personalized learning is increasing across the country, educators are considering how to ensure they succeed with their personalized learning implementations. Core Four Elements of Personalized Learning developed by Education Elements guides these educators as they seek to infuse personalized learning into their classrooms and schools.

Close Demonstrations
Hayward Collegiate Charter School
Hayward Collegiate Charter School

Our mission is to prepare Hayward scholars to have agency over their lives. When they leave Hayward Collegiate, they will be hard working, creative, kind, community-minded individuals. This vision can only come to fruition with the support of the leaders, teachers, community members, and families that come together to create this type of environment.

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Empower Community High School
Empower Community High School

Starting in October 2017, a Community Design Team of students, families, educators, and community members met bi-monthly to design an innovative school for the community and by the community. Empower Community High School holds as its vision that our students will claim their rightful place as agents of change, growth and social progress. The world is ours, and we must educate and foster the scholars, writers, artists and innovators who will build a just and equitable world.

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Bridge 2 Hope St. Louis
Bridge 2 Hope St. Louis

We dream of a world where one day every child will have access to quality equitable schools. We educate, empower and activate parents to disrupt the system of inequity, fight unjust policies and advocate for their children's right to quality educational options.

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BRICK Education Network
BRICK Education Network

The BRICK Education Network invests in children and their caregivers together to relentlessly knock down barriers to students’ academic success. As a charter management organization based in Newark, New Jersey, we know that education allows children to achieve their dreams. However, historic inequities and trauma rob too many black and brown children of an equitable education. Learn more about how we break down walls so all children have an unimpeded path to unlocking their limitless potential.

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Bright Beginnings
Bright Beginnings

Bright Beginnings helps thousands of chlidren and famliies experiencing homelessness achieve self-sufficiency

RISE Colorado
Rise Colorado

RISE Colorado works to Educate, Engage, and Empower low-income families and families of color to RISE as change agents for educational equity in our public school system. RISE Colorado is founded on the belief that families are crucial to student and school success. Through knowledge building, organizing, and leadership development, families will end educational inequity. They are active leaders who have a voice and the tools to define, demand, and lead systemic change to transform our public schools.

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Community Activist Fellowship
Wayfinder Foundation

Wayfinder’s mission is to build a national network of place-based activists who make trouble and win battle for justice. In the end we want our grantees to be the national face for social change at the grassroots.

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Staff professional development modules
Families in Schools

The mission of Families In Schools is to involve parents and communities in their children's education to achieve lifelong success.  Check out these staff development modules including modules for a parent engagement institute, welcoming environment institute, outreach and recruitment and retention institute.

Challenge Based Learning
Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow—Today

The Challenge Based Learning (CBL) framework is collaborative and hands-on, asking all participants to identify Big Ideas, ask good questions, identify and solve Challenges, gain in-depth subject area knowledge, develop 21st-century skills, and share their thoughts with the world.

Citiwide Hub
The Oakland Reach

The Oakland REACH is a parent-run, parent-led group committed to empowering families from our most underserved communities to demand high-quality schools for our children.

Family Engagement and Support Program
Department of Language Culture and Equity

Providing families with their own case manager that helps them build upon and exercise their power as an educational leader for their family.

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Mayors for a Guaranteed Income
Mayors for a Guaranteed Income

Mayors for a Guaranteed Income is a network of mayors advocating for a guaranteed income to ensure that all Americans have an income floor to free up space for them to engage meaningfully in innovation

Dream It
United We Dream

When you're undocumented, you face a lot of discrimination, and that creates a lot of fear. United We Dream transforms that fear into finding your voice to empower people to develop their leadership, organizing skills, and to develop campaigns to fight for justice and dignity for immigrants and all people. This is achieved through immigrant youth-led campaigns at the local, state, and federal level.

Verizon Innovative Learning Schools
Digital Promise

Millions of students nationwide lack the access to technology and the skills they need to succeed in the digital world. Since 2012, Verizon has been working to help solve this problem through a transformative program called Verizon Innovative Learning. Digital Promise collaborates with Verizon to equip every student and teacher at select middle and high schools across America with a device and up to a four-year data plan, and provide students without reliable home internet access with a mobile hotspot. In addition to free technology and access, Verizon Innovative Learning Schools receive extensive teacher training, support, and the opportunity to engage in a unique, immersive curriculum to leverage technology in their classrooms.

Parents Amplifying Voices in Education

PAVE connects, informs, and empowers parent leaders to give families in DC a voice and a choice in the vision for education in our city. Parents are partners and leaders with schools and policy makers, to develop a diversity of safe, nurturing, and great schools for every child in every ward and community

National Parents Union
National Parents Union

The National Parents Union is a network of highly effective parent organizations and grassroots activists across the country that is united behind a set of common goals and principles to channel the power of parents. Family advocates improve the quality of life for children across the United States and define the education conversation.

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Padres Comprometidos Program
Unidos US

Since 2009, Padres Comprometidos programs have trained more than 200 facilitators and helped over 3,400 parents support their children’s academic success. It fosters strong connections between parents and schools, empowering Latino parents to play a leading role in their child’s educational journey.These programs are designed to reach parents who traditionally are not connected to the schools because of linguistic and cultural reasons, Economic background, Negative perception schools may have about parents or vice versa, or an Unfamiliarity with parent engagement in the school.

The Minnesota Executive function scale
Reflection sciences

For children to successfully participate in the school experience as engaged and competent learners, Executive Function skills need to be developed from infancy through adolescence along with social-emotional learning. Since children are not born with these skills, they must be fostered, assessed, measured and understood so that each child can meet their full potential. Reflection Sciences has developed cutting-edge technology to easily measure Executive Function in children as young as two years old.

Innovations in Family Engagement Fellowship
Flamboyan Foundation

Flamboyan selected 11 public school teachers in DC – from early childhood to high school – to design and implement innovative family engagement strategies at their schools. During the 15-month fellowship, fellows received coaching, professional development, and collaborated with one another as they worked to create solutions tailored to the meet the unique needs of their school community.

We PLAY Center
Training Grounds

Family and community engagement: A non-profit organization that assists families and professionals throughout the greater New Orleans area with creating rich learning experiences for children and positive adult-child interactions. Founders Melanie Richardson and Christine Neely provide learning experience workshops for parents, professional development training for early childhood educators, and a We PLAY Center where parents and children (3 and under) can grow and learn together by enjoying age appropriate toys and activities while developing social-emotional skills in a safe play space!

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Close Demonstrations

pilotED Schools seeks to empower the way students see themselves and the world around them using a model steeped in social identity development, civic engagement, and academic excellence.

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Gestalt Community Schools
Gestalt Community Schools

The Gestalt mission is to leverage community assets to empower citizens who will be college-ready, career-ready, and community-ready. We will achieve this mission by providing students with an exceptional educational program defined by rigorous curriculum standards, high expectations for academic achievement, integrated technology, and community service.

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Education For Sharing
Education For Sharing

E4S offers 4 programs: Sports, Science, Art and Initiatives. Each of the programs reinforce civic values: empathy, tolerance, gender equality, and are based around the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Students are prepared to thrive in the 21st century with social-emotional skills and an understanding of global challenges that empowers them as changemakers.

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BRICK Education Network
BRICK Education Network

The BRICK Education Network invests in children and their caregivers together to relentlessly knock down barriers to students’ academic success. As a charter management organization based in Newark, New Jersey, we know that education allows children to achieve their dreams. However, historic inequities and trauma rob too many black and brown children of an equitable education. Learn more about how we break down walls so all children have an unimpeded path to unlocking their limitless potential.

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Native American Community Academy (NACA Elementary): K-5 Indigenous Literacy Program
Native American Community Academy (NACA Elementary): K-5 Indigenous Literacy Program

Native American Community Academy (NACA) Elementary launched to engage urban Native American children in a rigorous education, based in Indigenous culture, language, tradition, and holistic wellness. NACA’s K-5 Indigenous Literacy Program is a culturally and linguistically revitalizing curriculum designed by Indigenous educators. The literacy program will use texts that center Indigenous peoples so that students see themselves and their communities as they develop the building blocks of literacy so that they may be empowered to pursue their own dreams, develop and share new ideas, and participate fully in society.

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Becoming Collegiate Academy
Becoming Collegiate Academy

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are a source of accomplishment and great pride, having graduated so many people who are culturally aware and intellectually sound. The HBCU model of high academic rigor in a supportive learning environment has led to HBCU’s holding 9 of the top 10 colleges slots for producing African American Ph.D. earners. In addition, 70% of African American dentists and physicians and 51% of our nation’s African American public-school teachers received their bachelor’s degrees from Historically Black Colleges.

Becoming Collegiate Academy believes there is something incredibly important about the HBCU experience that must be celebrated, protected, and replicated in our students daily K-12 experience.

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American Indian Academy of Denver
American Indian Academy of Denver

American Indian Academy of Denver (AIAD) is a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) school providing rigorous learning opportunities for all 6th, 7th and 8th grade students in Denver, Colorado.

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ACCEL Day and Evening Academy - High School
ACCEL Day and Evening Academy

The mission of ACCEL Academy is to connect to students' gifts and passions through personalized learning pathways that build academic skills, professional mindsets, and social and emotional well-being, so they are preapred for college and careers.

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The NDN Changemaker Fellowship
NDN Collective

Build the collective power of Indigenous Peoples, communities, and Nations to exercise our inherent right to self-determination, while fostering a world that is built on a foundation of justice and equity for all people and the planet. The NDN Changemaker Fellowship is designed to invest in the visions, leadership, and development of Indigenous Changemakers. We believe that our people have the creativity, innovation, and determination to build healthy, resilient futures; defending our homelands and rights, developing model regenerative Nations, and decolonizing and healing our communities and families.

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Bright Beginnings
Bright Beginnings

Bright Beginnings helps thousands of chlidren and famliies experiencing homelessness achieve self-sufficiency

RISE Colorado
Rise Colorado

RISE Colorado works to Educate, Engage, and Empower low-income families and families of color to RISE as change agents for educational equity in our public school system. RISE Colorado is founded on the belief that families are crucial to student and school success. Through knowledge building, organizing, and leadership development, families will end educational inequity. They are active leaders who have a voice and the tools to define, demand, and lead systemic change to transform our public schools.

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Community Activist Fellowship
Wayfinder Foundation

Wayfinder’s mission is to build a national network of place-based activists who make trouble and win battle for justice. In the end we want our grantees to be the national face for social change at the grassroots.

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Energy Convertors
Energy Converters

The platform’s first signature program is a paid fellowship through which students of color gain navigation skills to ultimately make a broken education system work better for them, their goals, and their peers.

Energy Convertors exists to utilize the voices of the end-users of education - THE STUDENTS, PARENTS, AND THEIR COMMUNITY. Our starting place is with those that public education was meant to serve from day one rather than the “system”. We prioritize the quality students and parents desire over any system.

The Moonshot Fellowship
Moonshot EdVentures

Moonshot edVentures builds the pipeline of diverse leaders to design and launch the learning environments of tomorrow in Metro Denver, and is setting an example for early stage leadership preparation for cities across the country. To date, Moonshot has supported 68 Fellows to design and lead charter schools, micro-schools, district turnaround schools, and after school programs. Throughout the Fellowship, Moonshot Fellows build their entrepreneurial muscle, and explore their leadership of people, instruction, strategy and operations. Moreover, Moonshot works to keep “self” at the center, both in terms of identity and self-care.  The Moonshot Fellowship takes place in three stages, with Fellows collaborating with the Moonshot team to identify whether the Fellow carries the readiness and commitment to continue to the next stage of the Fellowship.

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Arts and Healing Programs

Aliento serves undocumented, DACA, and mixed immigration status families to transform trauma into hope and action. We are youth-led and directly impacted people and allies who are invested in the well-being, emotional healing, and leadership development of those impacted by the inequities of lacking an immigration status.

We offer art & healing workshops for those who have been impacted by deportation, detention, or the threat of family separation.

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Equity Audit
Beloved Community

At Beloved Community, they believe that the default systems in our country are designed to segregate.  When one questions and challenges the default, we can dismantle it and build equitable systems in its place.

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Compton Early College
Compton College

Established in 2015, CEC has incorporated a middle school and spans from grade 6-12.  An early college's purpose is to provide students with an opportunity to earn an AA (Associates of Arts Degree) and/or IGETC (Intersegmental General Eduction Transfer Certificate) while also earning their high school diploma.

Challenge Based Learning
Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow—Today

The Challenge Based Learning (CBL) framework is collaborative and hands-on, asking all participants to identify Big Ideas, ask good questions, identify and solve Challenges, gain in-depth subject area knowledge, develop 21st-century skills, and share their thoughts with the world.

Homies Empowerment Program
Homies Empowerment Community High School for Oakland Success

Homies Empowerment is an independent, youth-development organization taking on an approach and a way of seeing, gang impacted youth through an asset-based lens. We mirror the positive assets that attract young people to gangs; sense of belonging, protection, rites of passages, and meeting basic needs to provide spaces where youth can heal, thrive and self-actualize

Extended Learning Opportunities
Latitude Highschool

From the time they are 9th graders, students visit over ten different workplaces every year to ignite their career interests and to collaborate with professionals on Real World Projects. All students participate in Extended Learning Opportunities, including internships and student-designed businesses. Latitude graduates are confident  leaders, prepared for college and beyond.

Black Education for New Orleans

BE NOLA achieves impact by helping to bring resources to Black-governed and Black-led schools, providing professional development, disseminating information to inform schools, policy makers, and the larger public about outcomes for students, and when necessary serving as a convener for Black educators and the families they serve.

Rural Innovation
Empower Schools

We work with communities to design and launch sustainable local partnerships that enable transformative district schools. Empowerment Zone educators have the flexibility to make decisions that are right for their students, community, and staff.

NACA Inspired School Network
Native American Community Academy

The NACA Inspired School Network (NISN) supports leaders in Indigenous communities to develop a network of schools providing rigorous academic curriculum aimed at college preparation while also promoting Indigenous culture, identity, and community investment.

Angel Syndicate
4.0 Schools

4.0, invests in community-centered models of education. Providing coaching, curriculum, community and cash to those with the imagination to envision more equitable ways to learn, and the desire to ethically test those ideas. Anyone can spark real change in their communities when they have access to resources to develop their ideas at the earliest stages. They have made over 1,200 investments in founders with lived experiences grounded in the conditions they want to improve.

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Land-Based Learning & Healing
Native American Community Academy

NACA provides an academic program that reflects a commitment to student academic achievement, cultural connections, and creative electives.

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Black Scholar Experience Working Group
Noble Network of Charter Schools

The Black Scholar Experience Working Group was created to address our gaps in understanding of the experience of Black boys and to inform future policies and potential supports for Black students, most immediately, Black boys. Identifying the systems, policies, practices, and mindsets that lead to inequitable outcomes for ourBlack boys as well as acknowledge the harm former racist policies have had on them. The Black ScholarExperience Working Group committed almost 4 months of research, data review, and analysis of Noble systems, policies, practices, and outcomes for Black boys in hopes of recommending strategies and new policies to address these inequities.

Young Leaders Strong City Youth Advisory Council
The Imagining Freedom Institute

The IF Institute’s training method is based in anti-racism fundamentals, historical analysis and understanding power dynamics in systems and structures. The IF Institute works with organizations to create an equitable plan of change and/or equity audit/assessment. Their goal is to help organizations develop racial equity frameworks, historical analysis and a strategic action plan through customized trainings and ongoing consultation.

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The Social Justice School
Social Justice School

The Social Justice School opened its doors in August 2020 to our inaugural class of 5th and 6th grade scholar activists. We believe in the importance of educating the whole child to become an informed global citizen. Our curriculum that focuses on social justice and design thinking enables our scholars to engage in meaningful work in our Liberation Design Lab and fosters their ability to have student led conferences throughout the school year with their teachers. Each day, we are building a close knit community that collectively pursues innovative solutions to social justice issues that plague our community and the world.

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UnifiED School Launch Program
Diverse Charter Schools Coalition

The Diverse Charter Schools Coalition connects members with each other and with outside resources to help improve their practice. We amplify the stories of success that prove that school integration is possible and worth trying. We advocate that government and philanthropic support incentivizes demographic diversity in public schools.

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National Charter Collaborative
Charter Collaborative

The National Charter Collaborative (NCC) supports single-site charter school leaders of color whose schools reflect the hopes and dreams of their students and cultural fabric of their communities. Charter school leaders of color are a critical, yet overlooked, collective representing an estimated one-fourth of charter schools impacting over 335,000 students across the U.S.

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The Native American Community Academy (NACA)

The Native American Community Academy (NACA) is a tuition-free public charter school serving students in elementary, middle and high school (grades K-12th), NACA is a small school that focuses on identity through culture & language, holistic wellness, community & family, and academic preparation. Our philosophy is grounded in both the Indigenous thought and a rigorous approach to career-preparatory education.   We require excellence from our students, dedication from our teachers, and commitment from our parents.

Parents Amplifying Voices in Education

PAVE connects, informs, and empowers parent leaders to give families in DC a voice and a choice in the vision for education in our city. Parents are partners and leaders with schools and policy makers, to develop a diversity of safe, nurturing, and great schools for every child in every ward and community

ImmSchools Program

ImmSchools partners with school districts, schools, educational organizations and education service providers to provide high-quality programs to educators and students and families that addresses the holistic needs of undocumented and immigrant students in the K-12 setting.

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NACSA's National Policy Index
National Association for Charter School Authorizers

NACSA is an independent voice for effective charter school policy, education reform, and strategic charter authorizing practices that lead to great public schools and improved public education across our country.

Standards and Promising Practices for Schools Educating Boys of Color
Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color

Boys of color and their sisters, will soon comprise the majority of students in American schools, and those who educate them must become more accustomed to their social, emotional, cultural and academic needs. The Common Core spells out expectations to measure both what students know and what they can do. COSEBOC believes that another set of considerations is crucial to bridge the gap in achievement between males of color and all other groups and to create a pathway for vulnerable students toward opportunity in education, career, and personal achievement.

Continuum on being an anti-racist organization
Crossroads Ministry of Chicago

One example of a continuum on becoming an anti-racist organization

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We Drive It

EducationNC’s new short documentary, We Drive It, highlights the work of a team of passionate educators and scholars in rural North Carolina. In the high-poverty area of Edgecombe County called the Northside, schools have historically lagged behind on test scores and other metrics. That’s why change makers there decided it was time for something radically different. It was time to build a new school from the ground up, a school specifically designed with students in mind.

Profound Gentlemen
Profound Gentlemen

Building communities of male educators of color around the country to impact the education of boys of color across the country

The Core Four of Personalized Learning
Education Elements

The prevalence of personalized learning is increasing across the country, educators are considering how to ensure they succeed with their personalized learning implementations. Core Four Elements of Personalized Learning developed by Education Elements guides these educators as they seek to infuse personalized learning into their classrooms and schools.

V. Moving the Work Forward

As a society, system and community, we have what we need to create a better present and future for our children.

We designed The New Dawn: An Action Agenda Honoring the Vibrant Diversity of Students to offer inspiration, ideas, strategies and solutions that can light pathways to creating systems, schools and classrooms that reflect the diversity of the communities where they reside. As the RISE UP Coalition, we will continue to advocate for, support and champion an unapologetic commitment to ensuring our diverse student population is celebrated, honored and respected for their vibrancy and shine every single day.